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1886 Daimler

Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach built their internal combustion engine in 1885. Their engine was adapted to the two wheeled Daimler Reitwagen and tested on the road, becoming the first motorcycle. Later, their engine also was adapted to boats and a stagecoach. A horse-drawn carriage from another manufacturer was adapted with their engine, a precursor to an automobile that would be built by these two working together was first shown to public in November 1886 but was developed three months prior to the Benz Motorwagon. However the Benz was awarded the patent as the first true automobile, Benz having built and tested it in 1885.


From 20 July 1872, Maybach and Daimler often worked as engineers in other companies at the same time, designing engines and accessories to engines for these companies. Finally, they worked together on the staff of the engine manufacturer, the Deutz-AG-Gasmotorenfabrik in Cologne that was half-owned by Nicolaus Otto. In 1880 Daimler was fired by Otto and Maybach soon quit, whereupon, they began working as partners.

Unknown to Otto, Daimler, and Maybach, during 1878 Karl Benz, in Mannheim, was concentrating all his efforts on creating a reliable two-stroke gas engine. Benz finished his engine on 31 December 1879, New Year's Eve, and was granted a patent for his engine on 28 June 1880 and along with the design and sale of static engines, he began to design a vehicle that could be motorized.

In 1889, Daimler and Maybach built their first automobile that did not involve adapting a horse-drawn carriage or stagecoach with their engine. There was no production in Germany, but the engine was licensed to be built in France and presented to the public in Paris in October 1889 by both inventors. In 1890, they founded Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG) and they sold their first automobile in 1892. 

The model is a much modified version of a 1/16th scale kit.

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